Friday, March 29, 2013


Over the past couple of weeks, a feeling has been building inside of me, something that I never imagined would happen but weirdly enough has. I've begun to feel homesick. It started out just with the regular missing my family and friends, but has evolved into missing slightly weirder things. Things like: Meijer, 6% sales tax, Dan Dickerson and Jim Price, nature, politeness, and even people calling soda: "pop." The city has really started to get to me and things that I loved when I first moved here are now driving me insane. I used to love that no one paid attention to anyone else, but lately I've been craving eye contact and annoying small talk from the cashier ringing up my groceries. I started to think about spending another set of holidays away from home and came to the conclusion that not only do I not want to, but I don't have to. So, my plan is to move back to Michigan in September. I thankfully have a brother who has a whole house to himself and is willing to rent me a room.

I should note, that I also feel like I've accomplished what I set out to and moving here is not something that I will ever regret; I've gained a lot of experience and knowledge that I am very thankful for and have also met some of my favorite people. I've also realized that starting my own bakery down the road is a more realistic dream in somewhere like Michigan where leases are not outrageous and there isn't another bakery on every corner. So, I'm moving back, I don't have a set date yet and my plans are not 100% complete, but it has taken a huge weight off to come to this decision. Hopefully all of you are well and I can see you in September!


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. I was just thinking how sad I was that you wouldn't be here for Easter dinner, but maybe Thanksgiving huh? Your family is over the moon! Love you and so glad to hear you're coming home!

  2. Hallelujah! I can't wait!

    We have missed you so much and I'm glad you're ready to return to us!

    Love you!

    1. I've missed you guys a ton and cannot wait to see you!

  3. BTW-I think the heart in your pendant is right over my house. That must be to remind you that someone who loves you very much lives there. ;-)

  4. Wow! I never thought it would happen either! You have been there a while and accomplished what you set out to do. I am excited you are coming back and Lena, you, and I can resume our coffee dates :)

  5. Ok, you have sufficiently shamed me into doing a blog post. ;-) You may now see pictures of Julianne's graduation day.
